It is common where final-year students may look for job offers and some may still be confused about which one to accept. It is essential to evaluate the job offer considering the fact of competitiveness, right position and long term. However, the top 10 colleges in Coimbatore have separate departments for training and placements which provide counselling to students regarding job interviews. However, in this article, you will find a quick five factors to evaluate job offers other than salary. Let’s discuss this in detail.
Top Five Factors to Consider Beyond Salary for Evaluating Job Offers:
Research about your company: Your potential employer puts a lot of effort into determining if you are a good fit for the position. Before you say yes to the offer, take some time to research and see if the company is a good fit for you.
Social media is a great place to find information, especially if you want to know what people in general believe about the organization. Examine social media comments made about the business or any recent news articles about it.
Make every effort to learn as much as you can about the people who work for the company, including their reputation, values, working environment, and culture.
Determine the company’s stability, position in the market, and prospects for the future. Even though you don’t have a vision of the future, you should be sure that the company you’re joining won’t fail.
Your values match with the company: Maybe you have strong feelings about working for an organization that supports particular nonprofit organizations or has a clean environmental record is the best fit for you. You can discover their values through websites. The majority of businesses offer details about their mission, values, and guiding principles. Examining the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) report, which details its efforts to uphold its principles, may also be a smart idea.
Benefits and perks job offers: Benefits may qualify for a significant amount of your pay package. So it’s important to carefully consider this aspect of the deal because compared to salary, benefits are frequently harder to evaluate.
Even though the salary you’ve been offered is more than what you currently make, you might end up losing out in the long run if your employer contributes less to the retirement plan.
Companies offer different benefits and perks, so if your offer letter lacks information about your package, request a complete list of the terms of the contract. Determine which benefits you qualify for and evaluate their worth to you.
Saving the expenses: Transportation is one of the most important costs to take into consideration when assessing a job offer. You might have to move for your new job if the position isn’t flexible. If so, you will need to account for moving expenses, adjustments to your taxes and property, and changes to your insurance rates.
You need to look after the additional expenses that come with accepting a new job offer, like insurance coverage, and compensation provided if you work from home.
Time: It can be challenging to estimate how much time your new job will require outside of essential hours. To find out how much work you might be expected to do or how much overtime you might have to put in, it could be worthwhile to speak with someone in the organization who plays a similar role to yours.
If your pay is by the hour, you may be happy to put in more hours. If you do, however, get paid, you might grow annoyed at your employer if they demand 12 hours a day from you but only pay for eight. You might even find yourself making less money per hour than you do at your current job if overtime is routinely expected.
Another factor to take into account is how long it will take you to get to your new job, especially if your journey is challenging or lengthy.
Decision making: When it’s time to decide after you’ve completed assessing your job offer, sometimes an offer is simply too good to pass up. The new position will advance your career in the areas that are important to you, and the advantages balance the disadvantages.
The wisest course of action is probably to decline the offer if, after considering all the factors, it still doesn’t live up to your expectations. Don’t forget to do it with generosity. Maintaining good relations is always a good idea because you never know when a better opportunity may arise with the same company.
But at times you might not always have the luxury of saying no. If so, you should think about looking for other options, like temporary work, or accepting the position while you hunt for a position that better fits your long-term professional objectives.
The above-mentioned are a few key parameters you can look after to shortlist the company. Even if you graduate from the best B Tech IT colleges in Coimbatore or universities in India, these parameters are common where the purpose or goals may vary based on the job position and personal requirements.