Karpagam Institute of Technology had conducted 2nd Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of Karpagam Institute of Technology on 16.09.2022 at Seminar Hall. Our Rotaract club president S Seetharaman has opened the installation ceremony. The Chief Guest Rotarian Ilanchelian Samuthriam, Principal Dr. P Manimaran, Vice Principal Dr. D. Bhanu, Dean Dr. V.J. Arul karthick and Faculty Advisor of the Club Dr.A.Saiyathibrahim have present in the function. Rotarian Ilanchelian Samuthriam, Youth Service Chariman, Rotary Club of Coimbatore Millennium gave an enlightened speech and motivated young rotaractors of our Rotaract Club of Karpagam Institute of Technology towards conducting society welfare events in this Roto year. Our rotaract club logo was launched by the Vice Principal Dr. D. Bhanu and Rotarian Ilanchelian Samuthriam launched the first event of the club Blood Donation Camp will be conducted on 17.09.2022 during the ceremony.