Karpagam Institute of Technology has an IQAC – Internal Quality Assurance Cell. Academic Audit is conducted by the audit team constituted by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell.
Composition of the IQAC
Sl. No | Composition Criteria Specified by NAAC | No. of Members | Members | Designation |
1. | Chairperson – Head of the Institution |
1 | Dr.P.Manimaran | Principal |
2. | One member from the Management | 1 | Shri.V.Karthick | Trustee |
3. | A few senior Administrative Officers | 2 | Dr.D.Bhanu
Dr.V.J.Arulkarthick |
Vice Principal
Professor/ECE |
4. | One of the Senior Teachers as the Coordinator of the IQAC | 1 | Mr. M.Murugesan | Assistant Professor/EEE |
5. | Faculty | 3 | Dr.A.Saiythibrahim Mr.V.Dineshbabu Mr.P.N.Ramesh |
Associate Professor/MECH Assistant Professor/IT Assistant Professor/CSE |
6. | One/Two Nominees from Alumni/Local Society/Student | 1 | Mr.A.Anish Antony | Alumni 2014 passed out- B.E ECE Managing Director Yahel Tech Coimbatore |
1 | Selvi.S Karthikeyani | Student Final Year B.Tech-IT (721218205009) |
7. | One/Two Nominees from Employers/Industrialists /Stakeholders |
1 | Mr.G.Subburaj | Industrialists Principal Consultant Repute technologies Coimbatore |

IQAC functions under the guidance of the Management and Principal. IQAC ensures the effective implementation of quality initiatives through continuous reviews and periodic meetings. The following activities are periodically reviewed
- Academic schedule planning
- Placement and training offered and maintaining placement database
- Industry links establishment
- Monitoring and conducting CIA and university exams
- Needs for the Department Budget
- Hosting the activities of the Department and Institute in website
- Scholarship availed and admission strategies
Some of the functions of the IQAC are:
- Planning and Conduction of Academic Audits at regular interval
- Ensure the conduction of Class committee meetings and review its minutes
- Review the class room observation by HOD
- Review the Department Meeting Minutes and Actions taken thereof.
- Result analysis after every Internal Test and University examination and propose
corrective actions. - Review of Students’ Feedback
IQAC Audit Process
- (i) Once in six months Internal Audit is conducted. The scope of the audit is to assess the quality of teaching learning process.
- (ii) Once in a year External Audit is conducted. The scope of the audit is to assess the quality of academic activities and Institutional policies.
- (iii) IQAC coordinator reviews the observations made by the auditors and ensures the actions taken thereof