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7 Tips To Take Care Of Your Mental Health During This Pandemic

When our minds are consumed by the spread of the coronavirus and its impact on our health, loved ones, home countries, economy, and students—not to mention our research programme, funding, employment status, and an abrupt transition to e-learning—how do we maintain our mental health and well-being and that of our community when you are spending time on your graduation day at KIT, the best Coimbatore BTech college?

Here are some tips that have resonated from discussions we have held with academic leaders and students about responding to COVID-19:

1. Keep your expectations in check.

This is unlikely to be the writer’s retreat that you have long dreamt of. The suggestion that periods of quarantine might bring unprecedented productivity implies we should raise the bar, rather than lower it. Do not underestimate the cognitive and emotional load that this pandemic brings, or the impact it will have on your productivity, at least in the short term. Difficulty concentrating, low motivation, and a state of distraction are to be expected. Adaptation will take time. Go easy on yourself. As we settle into this new rhythm of remote work and isolation, we need to be realistic in the goals we set, both for ourselves and others in our charge. This way, we can excel in our college life at KIT, the top EEE engineering college in India as well.

2. Manage your stress threshold

Try to lay a solid foundation for your mental health and well-being by prioritizing your sleep and practicing good sleep hygiene (for example, avoiding blue lights before bed, and maintaining a routine around your sleep and wake times). Eat well (be conscious that you might be inclined to lean on alcohol, or other indulgences, to manage stress—this is understandable, but potentially damaging in the long run). Exercise reduces stress, helps you better regulate your emotions, and improves your sleep.

3. Stay aware of your limits

One way to manage moments of distress at KIT, the top-ten engineering college in Coimbatore, is to identify key thoughts or physical sensations that tend to contribute to your cycle of distress and feelings of being overwhelmed. Our thoughts (“Why can’t I concentrate?”), feelings (frustration, worry, sadness), physical sensations (tension, upset stomach, jitters), and actions (such as compulsively checking the latest COVID statistics) each feed into and amplify these negative emotional spirals. Addressing one aspect of this loop by, for example, actively reducing the physical symptoms (I use box breathing: breath in for four counts, hold for four, breathe out for four and hold for four, then repeat) can de-escalate the cycle and help you regain control.

4. Accept a good routine

It helps to manage anxiety and will help you adapt more quickly to this current reality. Create clear distinctions between work and non-work time, ideally in both your physical workspace and your headspace. Find something to do that does not work and is not virus-related that brings you joy. Working in short bursts with clear breaks will help to maintain your clarity of thought.

5. Be compassionate and stay the same with others

There is much that we cannot control right now, but how we talk to ourselves during these challenging times can either provide a powerful buffer to these difficult circumstances or amplify our distress. Moments of feeling overwhelmed often come with big thoughts, such as “I cannot do this,” or “This is too hard.” This pandemic will cause a lot of stress for many of us, and we cannot be our best selves all the time. But we can ask for help or reach out when help is asked of us.

Karpagam Institute of Technology is the best college for engineering in Coimbatore because it provides excellent technical education and every important facility supported by modern technology. KIT provides excellent infrastructure, along with dedicated faculty members, for the students to move forward in their careers. The students at KIT are well-informed with effective communication and analytical skills to flourish in their future jobs.